RIA Member – Wings for Life World Run

Together we will find a cure for spinal cord injury.
In 2004 Red Bull founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, founded Wings for Life. A not-for-profit research foundation with the goal of curing spinal cord injury. Every donation goes 100% to spinal cord research. Red Bull bears the administrative costs of the foundation.
Every year, all over the world, over 200,000 people take part in the Wings for Life World Run. It’s an event like no other – Professional athletes, fun runners and total beginners are all in it together, running at exactly the same time against the moving finish line (aka the ‘Catcher Car’). The Catcher car begins its pursuit 30 minutes after the start of the race, passing runners and wheelchair users one after the other until the race is over.
“Wings For Life World Run is a totally unique format where you can run, walk or push as far as possible raising money for the most amazing charity. No matter what your target distance is, there is no judgement! Being a part of the run is the most important thing and being able to line up against people globally makes it truly special” Tom Evans, Ultrarunner