Foundation Member – Veazy

Veazy is the new way to capture your memories. You just book a camera, film your experience, then send the camera back to us and we create you an awesome memory video that you can share anywhere, forever.
The idea was born out of the frustration of always having hundreds of pictures on our phones that were great memories but just sat there never being looked at until the were eventually deleted when it was time to get a new phone. Why do we do that? It’s a shame – wouldn’t it be cool if you could take a camera with you, then just send it off and get a professionally edited video of your experience back? Cooler still if that camera was small, light, pretty much indestructible, had a battery that would let you use it all day every day, only required one button to operate, and arrived in a really cool package with a guide on what kind of shots to get with it. That’s Veazy! It is THE perfect way to capture experiences like holidays, weddings, and events – can you think of a better way to remember your first marathon, for example? The whole service costs less than the price of the camera you get to use, and you get your video within 7 days of returning the kit.