Foundation Member – TimeOutdoors

Physical and mental health have never been so important. Being active is key to physical health and getting outdoors helps improve mental health by reconnecting us with nature – which in turn improves our well-being. TimeOutdoors was founded in 2000 with a mission to get more people active outdoors and today this mission is more critical than ever.
Poor lifestyle choices influenced by extremely powerful global brands continue to drive up levels of obesity with related diseases increasingly prevalent in younger age groups; a cultural obsession with social media and technology combined with a post-Covid remote workforce means fewer people have meaningful connections with others, helping to fuel mental health issues; and an increasingly urban population reduces connections with nature.
Combine this with an NHS too busy to address root causes and obsessed with Big Pharma and over-medicalisation of treatments; add a complete lack of political vision on how to improve well-being with no appetite to tackle the vested interests causing some of the problems – and it’s clear that it’s up to us to help each other.
We think the foundations of being well and feeling great are fundamentally simple things that humans have been doing for thousands of years and which are relatively easy for most people to do – getting outdoors and being active are at the heart of our approach. We want to help people do the things we think are key to well-being and build a community of people supporting and inspiring each other to do these things as well.