Foundation Member – is the UK’s Number 1 online running shoes, running clothing and outdoor gear retailer.
Established in West Yorkshire, back in 1982. We’ve been committed to bringing the very best in running brands and products to your door.
Our mission is to help our customers to lead a happier and healthier life through running and fitness, and to help them make the best product choices to achieve their fitness goals.
We offer customers more than 17,000 products from 150 global running and outdoor brands. From a running perspective these include ASICS, Nike, adidas, Hoka and New Balance whilst in terms of outdoor they include Haglöfs, Mammut, Rab and Patagonia. is also committed to sustainability. In 2021, we achieved carbon-neutral status and have set an objective of becoming the most sustainable running equipment retailer in the world by 2025.
Online, you will find many tools to help make sure runners are using the right products for them, this can be seen in our running shoe finder tool and over 200 articles in our hubs dedicated to educating runners from beginners to seasoned marathoners.