RIA Member – Muscular Dystrophy UK
Town and Gown 10k

Our award winning Bidwells Town and Gown 10k series offers the rare opportunity to run the closed streets, parks, and along the rivers, of the historic cities of Oxford or Cambridge, while raising funds to help change the future of muscle wasting conditions.
The sell-out Bidwells Oxford 10k is the oldest run in our series. Inspired by a local boy Daniel Cleaver who had muscular dystrophy, it started in 1982 making it one of the oldest 10k runs in the UK. Daniel’s father and local runners set up the event as a fun run to raise money for muscular dystrophy and to this day all profits still go to Muscular Dystrophy UK. In 2025, we expect 10,000 registrants across our Oxford and Cambridge events.