RIA Member – MOVV

MOVV is a Scandinavian brand known for its minimalist and functional running shoes. The brand focuses on minimizing running related injuries by leveraging user-based data and collaborating with experts to design their footwear.
The founding partners of MOVV are footwear veteran Nikolai Christensen, running specialty retailer Kaiser Sport & Ortopedic and Runners’ Lab. Together this trio is building footwear from a perspective of the runner, making all parts of the products work symbiotic towards a healthier and more enjoyable run.
Our heritage in Scandinavian and more specifically in Denmark provides us with a focus to create product for runners which endure the harsh climate and the natural conditions which we live in. Our mantra is to create durable and functional shoes so that we may enjoy the nature around us.
Our path to our consumers are through the unique running specialty distribution which takes pride in guiding consumers to the right footwear choices in an everso complicated footwear market.
MOVV is based on these foundational pillars:
- Injury Prevention: MOVV focuses on reducing running-related injuries by leveraging user-based data and collaborating with experts in sports and orthopedics.
- Minimalist Design: The shoes are designed with simplicity and functionality in mind, avoiding unnecessary features that could complicate the running experience.
- User Feedback Integration: MOVV collects direct feedback from users to continuously improve their products, ensuring that the shoes meet the real needs of runners.
- No Trends: The brand has a strict no trend mindset in order to be a good partner to retailers and to focus all funding towards building better products for our runners.
These elements combine to create a running shoe that is not only comfortable and effective but also tailored to help runners minimize running related injuries and enjoy their runs more.