Lucy Brandram | Social Media | RIA Instagram and Twitter
Lucy joins the RIA Team to help manage social media strategy for Instagram and Twitter. The aim is to showcase and amplify RIA News and RIA members News and enhance visibility for the sport and business of running.
Meet Lucy: I’m a Facebook Ads manager and social media expert, I work with business owners and charities helping them use social media effectively and strategically to grow. I love working with businesses with purpose and RIA is a perfect fit. I have got 10 years experience in digital marketing with charities and I have promoted a huge range of mass participation events from runs to night walks to public art trails. Now I focus on organic and paid social media, I cover Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN and Twitter.
Social media is a time-consuming business (I know from experience!), but you don’t have to go it alone. For most of my clients I work as part of their team and that’s how I prefer it. If you’re ready to grow your business and want to try paid social media I offer a complete ‘done for you’ managed Ads service. I’m also an expert troubleshooter, and trainer if you’re running your ads in house. But without effective organic social media your paid strategy won’t work well so I work with clients on their organic social too. That might be support with a new campaign or product launch, you might be stuck getting to grips with yet another update.
Outside of work I love being outdoors, gardening and allotmenting or walking in the woods and along the beach. I’m lucky enough to live near both!
Email HERE to get in touch.