Alliance Partner – JogOn

JogOn is a UK wide campaign aimed at removing 1m pairs of running shoes from landfill. Every year it is estimated that 33m pairs of running shoes end up in landfill. As a runner, I know that most running shoes remain usable once they have outlived their usefulness supporting the feet of runners.
Working in partnership with JogOn has grown and currently has collection partnerships with universities, libraries, schools, running clubs, independent retailers, hotel spas and now in over 200 leisure centres. Our partnership with the Courier Evri also means that members of the public can send us their shoes directly, from anywhere in the UK for a set fee of £2.00 for up to 15kgs of shoes, that could be as much as 40 pairs. The shoes end up with us at our HQ in West Sussex where they are sorted and boxed for shipping.
We want these shoes to be removed from landfill, and that means ANY landfill. That means that we won’t knowingly send any pairs of shoes to someone else’s landfill either. Any shoe that we term as “end of life” will be taken care of in the UK. We are currently finalising options to have them burnt in Waster to Power plants in the UK as a first alternative to landfill. The great thing is, 97% of the shoes we are getting are good enough to be re-used! Which is amazing news.
Of those that we deem “useful” we send them to three key verticals:
- Charities: particularly those who service end users. We do not support charities who then sell them in order to use the proceeds.
- NGO’s: Non-government organisations who run outreach programs
- Micro-Economies: Supplying families whose livelihoods depend of selling a few pairs in flea markets.
Having an idea is only ever part of the equation, none of this is possible without the support of the industry and key partners.
Please consider working with us to prevent perfectly good running shoes going to waste.