Foundation Member – ERDINGER Alkoholfrei

ERDINGER Alkoholfrei has been attending UK running events for over a decade, working with our event partners to introduce athletes of all abilities to the recovery benefits of our refreshing isotonic drink.
Brewed under the Strict Bavarian Purity Law of 1516 and using only 4 natural ingredients, ERDINGER Alkoholfrei was found to be isotonic purely by accident! The brewing process naturally produces a wheat beer that is scientifically proven to be isotonic therefore aiding your recovery after exercise – plus it doesn’t compromise on flavour, with a fresh, fruity taste – a chilled glass hits the spot every time. ERDINGER Alkoholfrei also has a perfect balance of minerals and B-vitamins, it really is the drink of choice for anyone who loves to compete, whether Olympic athlete or someone striving to just be the best they can. The perfect way to recover and refuel after training or the big race!
Plus, there is now a fabulous new flavour, ERDINGER Alkoholfrei Grapefruit! A 50/50 mix of our original Alkoholfrei with a crafted Grapefruit juice drink, consisting of only natural ingredients with no artificial additives or stabilisers. It is a tangy twist on our original refreshing drink and the perfect refreshment for any occasion.
To learn more about the isotonic benefits of ERDINGER Alkoholfrei then head over to our website . Or to try it for yourself you can purchase a mixed case, 6 bottles of Grapefruit Alkoholfrei and the original Alkoholfrei following this link: ERDINGER Alkoholfrei Mixed Case (12 Pack) ( . Use code MIX15 to receive a 15% discount. Plus you can purchase the 500ml Alkoholfrei bottle from all major supermarkets, pop a couple in your trolley when you do the big shop!