Running Industry Alliance (RIA) has announced an extension to its core team to further support the fast-growing membership base, with Dan Keeley joining as Membership Development Manager from today (Monday 14th March 2022).

Dan joins Co-Leads Rebecca Richardson and Jonathan Midwood, and Phil Benton who was announced as RIA UK & Ireland Advisory Associate at the time of launch in mid January.

With over 15 years’ experience across the Sports Industry, Dan’s background includes building partnerships and communities to advance social causes and industries aligned with his passions.

After studying the power of sport for social change during his degree in Sport & Leisure Management, Dan’s career has spanned many sectors including national research projects for Sport England, sports events management, multiple seasons as a qualified alpine ski instructor, and over ten years’ experience as a key figure in the snowsports industry; building industry-wide partnerships and being a voice of one the UK’s most innovative charities harnessing the power of snowsports to change lives.

Dan’s profile and connection to running springboarded following his solo running adventure from the Colosseum in Rome back to the London Eye in 2017 – a project which not only gained international recognition to highlight the power of running to drive positive social change, but an adventure which celebrated a defining 5-year chapter with Dan’s personal mental health journey.

Now a keynote speaker, TEDx speaker and campaigner, and having combined his passions for running, snowsports and mental-wellbeing, Dan is excited to bring his extensive experience and cross-sector working to the Running Industry Alliance.

His role as Membership Development Manager will see Dan working closely with Rebecca and Jonathan on the development and support of RIA Membership as well as The Gathering Conference and some further collaborative projects that will be announced soon.

Co-Leads Rebecca and Jonathan commented: “We are excited to welcome Dan to the team, and we are looking forward to working with Dan to further develop membership benefits and to assist with The Gathering Conference.

“Dan has an impressive background and he is also a passionate runner, which makes him the perfect candidate to come on board as Membership Development Manager for UK & Ireland and join us in further developing some areas of RIA that will be of added benefit to and for our Members.”

Running Industry Alliance is a National Trade Organisation built for the UK & Ireland Running Industry with the aim to collectively help its Members to drive the Running Industry forward to improve the Sport and Business of Running. With a not-for-profit Membership structure and a not-for-profit members-only B2B The Gathering Conference, RIA brings together different sectors of the Running Industry with members including brands, retailers, events, media, communities, charities, service providers and more.

The Alliance Partners are key sector partners across industries including associations, alliances, not-for-profit and NGB’s who help build bridges and connections to benefit Members of RIA in the UK, Ireland and Globally.

Further details about the Running Industry Alliance, membership and all other info can be found on this website and the LinkedIn company page.