Athletic Endeavour

Foundation Member – Athletic Endeavour Athletic Endeavour’s team has been sourcing and developing innovative fabrics for over 20 years through all corners of the globe. They have seen a lot happen during that time and truly understand what customers are...


Foundation Member – xG xG’s mission is to encourage and reward sports participation by adding a gamified web3 collecting layer to real life sporting activity. xG unlocks web3 rewards for in-real-life sports participation – in an experience built for the...

Pro:Direct Running

Foundation Member – Pro:Direct Running Pro:Direct Sport is one of largest global online retailers of sporting goods, with over 35 years of experience in the sports industry. They specialise in several sports including running, soccer, basketball, tennis,...

The Green Runners

Foundation Member – The Green Runners We are a passionate running community making changes for a fitter planet. We are all volunteers, not supported by any business or corporate brand. We are a mix of environmentalists who care about running, and runners who...


Foundation Member – Howden Howden are insurance brokers, and part of Howden Group. We want to help our clients by demonstrating that we have deep knowledge of the risk environment they operate in – and how to navigate it. We offer all our clients, regardless of...

Activities Industry Mutual (AIM)

Foundation Member – Activities Industry Mutual (AIM) The Activities Industry Mutual (AIM) specialises in providing competitive, cost-effective alternative to traditional insurance for the activities sector. The cover we offer includes Public Liability, Employers...