ACTIVE blog: Top Tips to Set up for Your Most Successful Registration Season Yet

Looking for even more success in the coming year? Use these registration planning tips to set your organization up for success.

The registration countdown begins! Whether you’re launching the full season of registration or you’re looking to tidy up your process, add tips and tricks to your registration process for increased success.

Clean up Your Website

This doesn’t have to be a major transformation by any means. Making sure you have the right information can make a huge difference for those coming to check out your space via your website. This includes staff, embedded links, and calendars.

Clean up Your Registration Forms

Are there questions on your forms that you don’t utilize or don’t even remember why they’re on there? Consider removing them or combining a few to give your customers a smoother experience. This could include looking into what information can transfer over from year to year automatically.

Plan out the Registration Process

Who will be in charge of making sure registration goes smoothly? Will you have someone call the participants to welcome them after a successful registration? Are you going to market to your community about the registration launch day? Making the plan helps streamline your registration process for both your organization and your participants.

Reflect With Your Team

What has gone well and what needs to be improved for this upcoming registration season? Are there recurring themes guests brought up when registering last year? What are frontline staff hearing from your participants that could be addressed during registration?

Demo a Registration

Think about the customer’s end and see what needs to be changed. This is a great way to ensure things are laid out in the best way, and it allows your team to understand what your customers are seeing on their end, too.

ACTIVEWorks Camp & Class Manager software has great features to incorporate into your registration process, making it a greater experience for you AND those registering!

Check out these features your team can add to this year’s registration.

Set-up Season Features

  • Session exclusion dates: Easily set exclusions on dates when you don’t plan to have camp, a class, or other activities at your organization due to holidays, staff conflicts, and more.
  • Credit balance expiration: Set expiration dates for your participants’ outstanding balances to give them a nudge and not let them go to waste.
  • Self-service cancellations: Life happens, and things change. Allow your guest to cancel on their own through the ACTIVE Portal. This saves your team time, too, by not having to make the changes on your end.
  • Social referral: This feature gives your registrants personalized referral links that they can share with friends via their social networks! This allows them to receive discounts or credits that your organization is offering when someone registers through their link.

Differentiating Features

  • Waitlist automation: Have ACTIVE help you manage your high registration numbers! This tool takes the hassle of managing a waitlist out of your hands and streamlines the process so you don’t have to worry about unfilled spots or missed revenue.
  • Cart abandonment: Track registrants who have not completed their registration and give them the option to send reminder emails to encourage them to come back and register.
  • Captivate: Get your community together on the Captivate App! Allow participants to interact with your organization, chat with fellow participants, register for programs, and more, all on this white-labeled app.
  • Connect: Allow your staff to streamline the check-in and check-out process while reducing paper waste. Take your program management software on the go!

Lesser-Known Features

  • Saved credit card: Allow your registrants to keep a card on file to make class sign-ups easier than ever.
  • Scroll through waivers: Allow registrants to complete all their forms and signatures before leaving the house.
  • Custom terminology: Use this feature to customize the terms your space uses for classes, sessions, and more.


Check out the ACTIVE Network RIA Member profile here  .